February 8, 2014: Job Information: Academic work in Japan by Richard Miller

posted Feb 10, 2014, 6:52 PM by Hamamatsu JALT   [ updated Apr 20, 2014, 12:04 AM ]

On Saturday February 8, 2014 Richard Miller gave a nonstop, comprehensive presentation about the requirements of a good academic curriculum vitae and what universities are requiring from candidates. His presentation was mainly aimed at junior lecturers, but there was also valuable information for more seasoned educators.

According to Prof. Miller, approximately 68% of employers in Japan request a specific academic c.v. and the qualifications for work in the academic world in Japan (particularly for English) are becoming more and more rigorous. Therefore a carefully designed academic c.v. is essential. On many occasions he stressed the paramount importance of not only publishing, but also working to have a full, balanced c.v. According to Miller, a balanced c.v. attends to research, teaching and service. He suggested that we need to regularly consider how balanced we are, for example by using a score card style evaluation, such as is used in the business world. He emphasized personal branding and building an Internet presence by registering at Academia.edu and Linked In, so that if potential employers do an Internet search, our names will appear. He recommended we keep very detailed files not only of presentations and publications, but also of classes taught, including class size. The reason for such scrupulous attention to detail, he said, was to differentiate ourselves and thus gain some edge over less detail-oriented applicants. He stressed that we have to look very good on paper.

In conclusion, it was clear from Prof. Miller's presentation that maintaining a proper academic c.v. involves considerably more effort than basic updating every year or two.

Reported by Gregg McNabb

Hamamatsu JALT,
Feb 10, 2014, 7:07 PM