“Constructive Communication Across Gender and Cultures” Mini-Conference 「ジェンダーとカルチャーを超えた創造的コミュニケーション」

Presenters: Diane Nagatomo, Joseph Shaules, Melodie Cook, Eucharia Donnery, Maria Gabriela Schmidt, Jane Nakagawa, Donna Fujimoto, Avril Haye-Matsui, Yoshi Joanna Grote, Eiko Miwa (三輪 英子) of Shiseido Japan (Saturday), Gregg McNabb, Sue Sullivan and Jon Dujmovich.

Fee for JALT members: JALT, JII, SIETAR members ¥4000. One day only ¥3000
Fee for non-JALT members: ¥5000
Contact or Queriesjon@intercultural.me

Please register as soon as possible.

09/29/2017 – 18:00 to 09/30/2017 – 17:00

“Constructive Communication Across Gender and Cultures” 「ジェンダーとカルチャーを超えた創造的コミュニケーション」(2017) Two-day conference

This initial theme hopes to address and bring together social issues relevant to gender and culture. It is evident that as much as we have in common, there remain significant differences in many of our approaches to life. Focusing on the dimensions of gender and culture, this mini-conference will provide opportunity for academics, professionals, and the general public to discuss and explore several issues surrounding them. The mini-conference format will feature experiential learning sessions and include workshops, presentations, discussion groups, focus groups, and digital posters. For this inaugural event, the aim of Shizuoka JALT is to provide an inclusive and educationally stimulating environment for constructive communication about gender and culture.

“Educating for Social Good”

As part of the JALT Shizuoka chapter rejuvenation, an annual mini-conference and retreat to be held each September has been planned, with “Educating for Social Good” as the ongoing and overarching theme of the event. The theme is focused enough to be of immediate interest to JALT members, yet broad enough to be attractive to social workers, business people, and educators outside of JALT. Within this theme there is a full spectrum of issues that can be explored, and therefore affords opportunities for collaboration with numerous groups, NGOs, and NPOs and Shizuoka JALT.

Exchanging knowledge and ideas with others who have similar goals or challenges, especially those from outside our field of language teaching, provides an excellent opportunity to view issues from multiple perspectives. Perhaps collaboration can even spur ideas that lead to real interdisciplinary initiatives or movements in society. Bringing together groups with a similar interest to participate and share knowledge and skills in an experiential learning environment is a key ingredient towards building true understanding.
This mini-conference is to be held at various locations throughout Shizuoka prefecture; this year in Shizuoka city, and Kansanji, Hamamatsu selected as the 2018 location under the proposed sub-theme of “Connecting Families and Communities.”

Site and map: http://www.s-kyoiku.com

Conference Handbook
2017 Sept. Conference Handbook

Welcome reception
Friday 29 20:45 ~
産直牡蠣 浜焼きセンター 豊丸水産 静岡御幸町店
(サンチョクカキハマヤキセンタートヨ マルスイサン シズオカミユキチョウテン)
Main: https://r.gnavi.co.jp/n014006
Map: https://r.gnavi.co.jp/n014006/map/
Photos: https://r.gnavi.co.jp/n014006/photo/

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